Monday, July 7, 2008

Bring on the big guns...

I have been feeling under the weather the past couple of days. For the past two nights I could not sleep at night because of back pains or upset stomach and sometime even chills. I couldn't get the house to be at a temperature that I wanted, it was either too cold or too warm. I have been sleeping the day away because I couldnt sleep at night. It's quite frusturating.

I had chemo today, the nurses were concerned because I looked flush and the fact that I had a low grade fever. Also the fact that my left shoulder is swollen because the tumors decided over the weekend that they would grow out of control, which is probably why I am having joint pains and horrible cough. I am glad that they decided to go ahead with the chemo.

I was bummed out when I found out that my appointments for my lung and heart was cancelled today. There seems to be a difference in plan of treatment with Dr P and Dr H in OKC. So I think I will meet with Dr H sometime this week before continuing on with tests and whatnot while still doing Dr P chemo regimen.

I am nervous about Friday. Dr P will be adding a new chemo to my treatment plan. Its called Methotrexate with Velacour rescue. I have heard that the drug is so intense with its toxicity that it might just be one classification away from the high dose chemo. Without the Velacour rescue, the side effects may be fatal as it will come close to eliminating my bone marrow (immune system). scary! Hopefully everything will run smoothly and the Methotrexate will do its job in slowing the growth of the cancer cells with minimal side effects. I seriously dont know how much my body can handle all of this. It just feels like the chemo doses gets higher and higher.

I just thought I would give an update. Still feeling tired and achy and so im going to continue my nap now.



Anonymous said...

Hi Rina,

It really sounds like you are going through a rough time right now. Hang on to the fact that you have to go through these hard steps so that you can get this all behind you. The only way out of this is through the hard steps.

You can do it. Hang in there.

You did the right thing going to the ER. If something goes wrong, just go get help.

The methotrexate sounds scary, but it is a heavy hitter that kills the cancer while the rescue protects you.

Sending hope and prayers that tomorrow is an easier day, these chemos are working and you are one day closer to that "CURE".

((( HUGS ))),

saralup said...

rina, rmbr me frm tth lymphoma webmagc bord? ah no mattr. i'm so sory yuo ar going thru so mcch crap rite now. booo, no fare! blss yuor harrt.
i took intrathecl methotrexate, bt i dont no anytthng bowt tth othr drug, th rescu drug. and i codnt find anytthng eethr. so i'm heer fr yuo, if yuo hav any qustns bowt tth metho.

we ar reely prayng it dos its job, rina. :) tht yuo ar pulld thru tths, and abl to grab tth brass ring of NED. lisn close.......yuo cn heer us cheer yuo on!
snding big hugs and evn biggr HOPES!

Ami said...

My husand had a few rounds of methotrexate with a rescue drug too. It did lower his counts and he did require a few blood and platelet transfusions, but it did the trick.

I hope it provides you with some much deserved relief.

(lsutiger78 from the webmagic board)

Anonymous said...

Hi Rina,
I just wanted to let you know that my mom had throat cancer (she didn't smoke or drink alcohol -so it was very rare). She had chemo 2 days a week and radiation 3 days a week, for a total of 6-8 weeks. It was a very hard time for my family, she became very weak, but she made it through. I just want to let know that I am thinking about you and I hope you are feeling better very soon. Keep positive thoughts!
