Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Viva la Vida...

I love healthy days and being productive! I slept like a baby last night. My night was not interrupted by my coughs and felt wonderful this morning. Seriously, healthy days they are wonderful and I am thankful that im feeling better every day.

I was able to help my mom sort out the stuff for the garage sale today. We created piles for women, men, and children clothing and things that needed to be hung during the garage sale. I must say that we did a pretty awesome job in sorting. Regina dropped off three tubs of stuff, but they were not just "stuff" though. Some of those were things that you wouldn't find around here, they were stuff from all over the world. She is a wonderful woman not just for donating all of these stuff but also for being very helpful with the whole fundraising process.

Sarah, a friend of mine, also dropped off some of her stuff. She is in the process of moving and decided to donate the things that she no longer needs to the garage sale. But she also brought a little something else for me. A copy of the new Coldplay cd! Lets just say that made me really really happy. I have been so busy with the treatment, being sick and the fundraising that I have not had the chance to get the new copy of Coldplay. I am such a fan of the band and I definitely recommend the CD to everyone.

My friend and former roomate, Nicole, will also be featured on the Tulsa Channel 8 morning news this Thursday for the benefit show she is hosting for me. It's called the "Cancer Schmancer Comedy Jam" and all the money will go towards my transplant. I am so happy that she will be on TV and quite flattered and thankful that she is putting all of this together to help me out.

Right now im typing while Coldplay is playing on repeat and surrounded by stuff that we're selling for the garage sale. I am really looking forward to Saturday, there sure are alot of stuff that will be sold and all we need now is just a big turnout. I am a pretty optimistic person and I think this will be a successful garage sale!

I hope everyone is having a lovely 'coldplay' evening! ;)


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